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From May 10 & 14, 2023
Underground, Level -1 & Level -2.
3537 and Parsons Paris are pleased to invite you to the final exhibition of the MA Fashion Studies at The New School Parsons Paris.
The exhibition presents projects developed by the MA students in collaboration with different institutions such as the Ferragamo Museum, the Azzedine Alaïa Foundation, the Palais Galliera and the International Library of Fashion Research. Provocatively adopting the proverb “qui cherche trouve” as a title of the exhibition, we question what it means to study fashion today in the light of the current discourses about inclusivity and social justice, and the large investment in the material and immaterial values of fashion heritage. Student work shows the urgency to adopt a more critical understanding of the ways fashion is researched and understood as a vehicle for identity formation, gender construction, distinction of class, cultural and economic value, creative labor and innovation.
- Arezou Alamshahi @arezoualamshahi
- Antoinette Alba @antoinettealbaart
- Anastasia Alikhanova @anastasiaalikh
- Deema Almashabi @deemaalmashabi
- Gaurav Dey @lafeuille98
- Samantha Hartmann @sammyenparis
- Malu Hernández Guido @oh.ma.lou
- Emmaline Jeansonne @emaline.peach
- Eszter Kiss @eszti_kiss_
- Madeline Lucarelli @maddielucarelli
- Donna Nadeem @donna.nadeem
- Sonya Parsons @sonyamparsons
- Kenzie Pharr @kenziewit.az
- Deja Rolle @deja.danielle
- Bella Stern @bbellasss
- Milana Stewart @lanastew
- Devin Toolen @devintoolen
- Isabella Volpe @volpeisabella
- Michelle van Eyssen @michellevaneyssen
- Yvonne Wojtas @infamousyvonne
- Beste Zan @bestezanny
- Kexin Zhang @ikexinn
We are also happy to take the opportunity of this event to announce the launch of Printing Fashion issue #3, which will also be on sale at the venue!
Special thanks to Chandon Garden Spritz for generously providing welcome drinks at the vernissage.
Exhibition Hours:
10 May: 6pm - 10pm
11-12 May: 11am - 7pm
13 May: 11am - 10pm
14 May: 12pm - 6pm
Opening: May 10, 6pm - 10pm
Exhibition: May 11-14
Underground, Level -1 & Level -2 - free entry
From May 10 & 14, 2023
Underground, Level -1 & Level -2.

3537 and Parsons Paris are pleased to invite you to the final exhibition of the MA Fashion Studies at The New School Parsons Paris.
The exhibition presents projects developed by the MA students in collaboration with different institutions such as the Ferragamo Museum, the Azzedine Alaïa Foundation, the Palais Galliera and the International Library of Fashion Research. Provocatively adopting the proverb “qui cherche trouve” as a title of the exhibition, we question what it means to study fashion today in the light of the current discourses about inclusivity and social justice, and the large investment in the material and immaterial values of fashion heritage. Student work shows the urgency to adopt a more critical understanding of the ways fashion is researched and understood as a vehicle for identity formation, gender construction, distinction of class, cultural and economic value, creative labor and innovation.
- Arezou Alamshahi @arezoualamshahi
- Antoinette Alba @antoinettealbaart
- Anastasia Alikhanova @anastasiaalikh
- Deema Almashabi @deemaalmashabi
- Gaurav Dey @lafeuille98
- Samantha Hartmann @sammyenparis
- Malu Hernández Guido @oh.ma.lou
- Emmaline Jeansonne @emaline.peach
- Eszter Kiss @eszti_kiss_
- Madeline Lucarelli @maddielucarelli
- Donna Nadeem @donna.nadeem
- Sonya Parsons @sonyamparsons
- Kenzie Pharr @kenziewit.az
- Deja Rolle @deja.danielle
- Bella Stern @bbellasss
- Milana Stewart @lanastew
- Devin Toolen @devintoolen
- Isabella Volpe @volpeisabella
- Michelle van Eyssen @michellevaneyssen
- Yvonne Wojtas @infamousyvonne
- Beste Zan @bestezanny
- Kexin Zhang @ikexinn
We are also happy to take the opportunity of this event to announce the launch of Printing Fashion issue #3, which will also be on sale at the venue!
Special thanks to Chandon Garden Spritz for generously providing welcome drinks at the vernissage.
Exhibition Hours:
10 May: 6pm - 10pm
11-12 May: 11am - 7pm
13 May: 11am - 10pm
14 May: 12pm - 6pm
Opening: May 10, 6pm - 10pm
Exhibition: May 11-14
Underground, Level -1 & Level -2 - free entry